
Simple Solutions for Complex Connections

‘Innovation is a continuous process’ and Darien Technologies lives by that belief. A Pioneer, a Trendsetter and an Innovator in the field of software solutions and cloud computing, Darien Technologies runs parallel with the rapidly accelerating stream of technology ensuring to stay at par with the continuous changes that affect the business world.

With a rich experience in developing and delivering 360d business consulting services & enterprise based solutions for diverse enterprises globally, its expertise has not just satisfied its esteemed clients, but also has met with prevalent international IT standards.

eDigital ID

Darien Technologies eDigital ID is smart device enabled electronic identity that allows to provide personal identity, access information, promotional data & monitory information online. Features: Enable eDigital ID app in smart devices on iOS, Android, Windows platform & Etc. Data and Network security Link multiple ID cards Single platform with multiple ID cards


- Enable eDigital ID app in smart devices on iOS, Android, Windows platform & Etc.
- Data and Network security
- Link multiple ID cards
- Single platform with multiple ID card